Portavin Victoria: Focused on Sustainability!

sustainability certificate

Waste and recycling costs are increasing in Australia and reusable packaging solutions offer a cost effective and more sustainable alternative to single use packaging. As part of our commitment to the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) and through continued innovation and packaging initiatives, Portavin received CHEP Australia Sustainability Certificate which recognises Portavin’s efforts in contributing to more sustainable supply chains by using more sustainable packaging choices.

The certificate is calculated using a full life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. The LCA’s are independently peer-reviewed to ISO 14044 standard and the sustainability data and calculation methods are independently assured by KPMG as part of the providers’ annual Sustainability Review. The results of the sustainability certificate are specific to Portavin’s use of either pallets or reusable plastic crates over a 12-month period.

A great compromise to our group’s value of Respect, not only to our customer base and stakeholders but to our global environment.


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